The application ID of the skill [Optional]
The name of the handler, or the handler function itself, for a Lambda to be called
The name should be in the format "index.handler" where:
is the name of the file - such as index.js
is the name of the exported function to call on the file
JSON that corresponds to the intent schema
If the intent schema is provided, a VirtualAlexaBuilder.sampleUtterances JSON must also be supplied
Path to intent schema file
To be provided along with VirtualAlexaBuilder.sampleUtterancesFile
JSON that corresponds to the new, unified interaction model
File path that contains to the new, unified interaction model
The path to the interaction model file
The Locale that is going to be tested
JSON that corresponds to the sample utterances
Provided along with VirtualAlexaBuilder.intentSchema
The sample utterances should be in the form:
"Intent": ["Sample1", "Sample2"],
"IntentTwo": ["AnotherSample"]
The sample utterances in JSON format
File path to sample utterances file
To be provided along with VirtualAlexaBuilder.intentSchemaFile
Format is the same as in the Alexa Developer Console - a simple text file of intents and utterances
The URL of the skill to be tested
Generated using TypeDoc
Configuration object for VirtualAlexa.
Callers must provide:
1) An interaction model or combination of intent schema and sample utterances
These can be provided either as files or JSON
2) A handler name or skill URL
The VirtualAlexa will either run a Lambda locally, or interact with a skill via HTTP
Once the object is configured properly, create it by calling VirtualAlexaBuilder.create